From Stephany and Steve: When Bro. Tim and Sis. Cindy Harris were here with their group from Lupton Drive Baptist Church back in June, we had the opportunity to sit down and talk about some of the needs of the mission. We talked primarily about Samaritan Radio and the reality of having to make some very tough - but necessary - cuts to our Radio ministry if we did not get more support. After returning home, Bro. Tim wrote the letter below which we would like to share with you. We ask that you pray earnestly for Samaritan Radio Network! Dear Good Samaritan Family,
There are certain days in history that shape the course of nations, organizations, and even ministries. Good Samaritan is no different. August 8, 2016 was one of those days for us, though we did not realize it at the time. Sister Joan was in the throes of her battle with cancer, but you would not have known it as the board meeting started at 10:00 that morning. With a fierce determination, Sister Joan told the board “I am not planning to die anytime soon, but since everyone wants to know what will happen to Good Samaritan when I do, I want to address a few things.” For the next 3 ½ hours, with compassion like I have never seen, she poured her heart out concerning each phase of the ministry. She paused often to remind us this was the Lord’s work and they had never planned or imagined that the Lord would do the things which He had done over the years. She left that meeting and went to a doctor’s appointment. The doctor put her in the hospital that afternoon, and the Lord called her home in September. There are many thoughts about that board meeting that still ring in my ears every day, but one I feel is particularly critical to share at this time. Sister Joan told us we needed to make sure the radio network continued on. She shared that as she was traveling to the airport, they heard several people pray to receive Christ as their Savior while listening to Samaritan Radio. The radio reaches so many who would otherwise never hear the Gospel of Christ. We have sent several letters on behalf of Samaritan Radio Network over the past couple of years concerning support, equipment failure, and equipment upgrade needs. The radio ministry is at a critical point at this time. We need your prayers that God will supply the money to keep this vital ministry on the air. Many churches and individuals give sacrificially every month, so please do not feel like we are asking you for more. We are praying for the Lord to raise up new investors who will see the eternal investment in Samaritan Radio Network. When it is broadcasting at its peak, it has a listening audience of over 8 million people. We have the potential to boost this even further, and have a vision of reaching more of Central America with the light of the Gospel. We are praying for $75,000 to help get the radio completely back to broadcasting at 100% capacity, and to purchase new equipment which will push the FM frequencies into new areas of Nicaragua and El Salvador. We are also praying to raise monthly support back to a level that covers the monthly budget and to have money for repairs and regular maintenance of the stations as needed. It cost about $17.50 an hour to broadcast 19 hours a day 365 days a year. This just covers the budget without repairs. Please pray at this time and know that no investment is too small. Bro. Bob would always say that when he got to the mission field, he became a “Dependent Baptist.” He was depending on God and God’s people for help. Maybe you can cover a minute or maybe you can cover a week of broadcasting. There may be a church or individual who could purchase the new 3500-watt FM transmitter ($8,500) needed to bring our station in San Marcos to max power which we are licensed to broadcast, and get the gospel out even further into Northern Nicaragua. Please know we love and appreciate all of your prayers and support. We are blessed with such faithful fellow laborers in Christ. Please visit the Samaritan Radio page at for more details and updates. Serving the Lord with Gladness, Bro Tim |
April 2023