“Great things He hath taught us, great things He hath done, and great our rejoicing through Jesus the Son!” At Samaritan Radio Network, we are still rejoicing that God provided the new transmitters that are pushing the Gospel of Christ over the air waves more clearly than ever before. The “great things He has taught us” is that He is faithful in providing for His work to be done. We asked you at the end of 2022 to pray and consider several opportunities to help us continue strengthening our ability to keep the stations broadcasting consistently and efficiently. Moving the 88.7 FM on Mount Casa Blanca in Danli, Honduras, was the first opportunity we mentioned. We estimated that moving this station up the mountain from its current location would cost around $10,000. Praise the Lord, we have received $9,000 and are getting parts and the new tower ordered. Allow me to tell you the back story of this project so we can praise Him together... Around 10 years ago, we received word we would need to purchase land on Mount Casa Blanca, or we would not be able to use the road going up the mountain from Danli. The road is a dirt road (think logging trail, 4-wheel drive only), but is kept in good shape by the owners of the land. The other option is a road two hours away, and it is a “goat trail” at best. We did not understand at the time why the Lord would allow this extra cost. We were sharing a radio house with an agreement from another radio station and could not afford property or the cost of moving the station. The Lord provided the money for the property and to build the radio house. We soon realized that we did not need to move because the landowners were only interested in the income from selling the property. Fast forward to today. The property we were sharing with the other radio station is being sold, and we will need to be off the property by this May. God saw what we could not see all those years ago! He provided then for a need that we would have ten years later! Recently, while the team was looking at our tower to decide the best way to take it down, they discovered some problems on the tower that could have damaged the new transmitter if it had gone unnoticed. The Lord went before us and took care of our needs before we even knew we had a need. Though this may add some unexpected cost to the budget, I again say, “Great our rejoicing through Jesus his Son.” Please continue to pray with us about these other opportunities that were mentioned in our last update.
The tower in La Ceiba needs to be repaired. This tower on the northern coast of Honduras must be repaired or taken down. Our desire is to repair it since this AM station has an enormous outreach. The cost of repairs to get the station back on the air is $7,000 to $10,000. We will be in La Ceiba mid-March to see if further corrosion of the tower has occurred. We are praying about what the Lord would have us do concerning putting this powerful AM station back on the air. Other opportunities to help strengthen our broadcasting abilities include:
Lord willing, I will be in Honduras March 11-18. We hope to go to the stations in Tela, La Ceiba, and Mount Casa Blanca during our time there. Please pray that our trip will be fruitful as we continue to feed the spiritually hungry with “the Bread of Life”. We truly thank the Lord for your prayers and support. Serving the Lord with gladness, Bro. Tim Harris |
April 2023